To write, perchance to dream

January 11, 2021

New year, new garden.

Filed under: Garden — Tags: , , — work in progress @ 1:43 am
<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">one lone tomato still survives on the North Garden. Might need to line the box with concrete to stop the mesquite roots. Didnt do enough research. Roots will break plastic and grow out to containers to get to water. Admire the tree but a little lone tomato still survives on the North Garden. Might need to line the box with concrete to stop the mesquite roots. Didnt do enough research. Roots will break plastic and grow out to containers to get to water. Admire the tree but a little worried.

November 10, 2020


Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — work in progress @ 11:59 pm

Back to normal. It’s what everyone wants. I view it as a mirage,

a marketing term for the simple and easily mislead. Nothing is easy or will return to what was. The change that has occurred will continue until the masses have given in to the need to give up. To much work to resist.

Belongs to the youth. the angry the poor who ignore are ignored to give fury against the forces of the rich the oppressors and those that seek the past, I salute you, those who fight and die in the noon.

February 26, 2017

President Trump is Mr. M. Burns

Filed under: my Liturgy, Observations — Tags: , , — work in progress @ 3:10 am

I will propose that President Trump is Mr. Burns incarnate by the flesh. Since this is a spiritual transfer, its not going to be a one for one identical image. Burns is 2 dimensional and President Trump is 1 dimensional. Regardless, there are some facets that are common to both.

Neither one is very into technological tools or has the propensity to use them. Burns uses a ticker, has never been seen to type or handle electronic devices. Except when he had girlfriend. President Trump says he doesn’t email or know to use a a computer. Courier only.  But that does make him a hard target. There is the Blackberry device, but let it be caveat, not a definite stop in the process.

Next is the gestures between the two blokes. One uses his fingers like he is tasting fine wine or emphasizes his point of non sequitur. Monty has his steeple made of both hands while giving his catchphrase.  If only the President would have stick to one with a sinister tone then the point would be moot.

Trump == Burns < (Burns: style, wit and Smithers)

But the President does have a bromance with Putin. Go figure.

listening to…………….

Filed under: muzic — work in progress @ 2:54 am

Can’t tame the lion – Journey and

While my guitar gently weeps – The Beatles

October 10, 2016

Seeds are planted

Filed under: Garden — work in progress @ 5:00 am

Me and mom started to plan some seeds for the fall garden. This after me and family friend dumped some wood bark, vermiculite and peat into 1 garden and then on the other garden, it was just plain compost and vermiculite. Will do a project to see which garden does best. I see many a spider web but no spiders along with lizards. From the readings, there must be a balance between insects, the food and your tolerance. I like to think I have a high tolerance for pain and other things. So I usually leave the webs alone and the cats get the lizards. I have saved some and lost others. Right now, my little female is gone dormant, for now. I have some starter plants and will try to get them planted tonite. The nights are cooler now so I don’t think the plants will heat up as bad in the day. Will shall see.

mini naval in a Lego world gone to war

Filed under: Vizuals — work in progress @ 4:52 am





September 30, 2016


Filed under: Vizuals — work in progress @ 8:27 am


Goodwill idea

Filed under: Aspects, Observations, Uncategorized — work in progress @ 7:46 am

I had an idea for Goodwill to help them cycle more and create more opportunity to engage geeks and techies.

The inventory they keep needs to have an RFID like technology embedded into the product. Use that to keep a database. Have that information online to anyone via a device to find it. Take pics or descriptions of high end items or featured for the day or week would help drive traffic to the store. Dont’ have it reserved via electronic queue but instead say its available. That way people have to enter the store, more foot traffic.

Anyway its an idea. Help people become tech engaged, help create tech literacy, people with an eye for art to display product online, etc.

Suiting up each mornin

Filed under: my Liturgy, Observations, randomness — work in progress @ 7:39 am

So each morning, I try to say ‘blue sky’. This is the positive to start the day. Does it work?
I think it does.

Then when I get to work, I think about bout putting on armor of light ice blue, full, flourished helmet, with an Aztec shield of an eagle. Really spiffy.  Proud and defiant it is.

I have to considering with who I work with. But I can only control myself. So I do and I try. I leave the area better than when I came in the morning. Nothing more, nothing less. I try to learn something everyday to keep the mind active. I read and do, meditate in the morning and avoid junk food, mostly. I keep looking forward to the exit strategy made in the nebulous conscious because there has to be a  back up plan A, B, C…. Seasons change as I age, time finds me looking ahead and haunted by the past because I feel like the mistakes outnumber the wins. Eventually all those images get dimmed when I go to sleep at night, the demons will sometimes come out but mostly they get ignored. I am tool old, too tired and don’t have time for them. Instead I dream of different things, people, family, cats and storms. Then I do it again, again, again, again, again, forever and ever, rest in peace.

September 27, 2016


Filed under: Garden, randomness — work in progress @ 7:24 am

There are groups of trees or similar types connected by roots or other types of biological methods.  I have also seen plant roots be noncompetitive with their own kind.  My trees were planted on the edge of the land. I wonder if they have been cooperating. I have seen them take more limbs and become taller. The wind storms tried to uproot some of them but I trimmed and pruned to let the air through their arms. In doing this I have become stronger and more adapt outdoors. I walk around them and see them, touch their bark and care for them. Does the ground connect us now or am I able to hear them talk as the wind blows the leaves, rustling, rushing, breathing. Their roots move slowly through the clay, breaking it.  Ultra, ultra low frequency must be occurring in the ground traveling to my feet as a reach for them, guiding my hand.

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